René's Blog

Hi, it’s René! I’m a software architect living in St. Gallen, Switzerland. This blog is mostly about technology, teams, management, and wherever the journey goes. The opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own and do not reflect those of my employer.

TwicPics for Seamless Image Delivery

June 8, 2024

Continuing the works of setting up this Hugo blog, after initial hosting setup and some styling and theming updates (for which all updates are shared in the publicly forked repo). This time, I was looking at image processing and delivery. It seems kind of obvious, but with a static site generator, easy image processing can be a bit tricky. Hugo offers several built in image processing capabilities, like resizing, crop, fit, fill, and other manipulators like filtering, colorizing, and blurring.

Front Matter for a nice UX

June 7, 2024

I’m still learning how to work well with static site generators. Currently I would like to easily add images, perhpas integrate YouTube links, and have some more convenient UX. After some research (i.e., reading the docs), I came across Front Matter. That’s a VS Code extension bascically creating a convenient user interface for managing markdown files and media. See the attached screenshot. It’s this post being written. So far, the extension (and the setup) looks quite nice.

Blogging with Hugo from mobile apps

June 7, 2024

I want to be able to blog from the mobile device so that I can share something when I’m on the go. There seem to be quite a few apps around that can access up directly, but nothing seems to be as good as the official GitHub app. With the app, you can create a new markdown file in the repository and dictate via voice dictation or whatever you want to post.

Styling Updates to the Blog

June 7, 2024

After.. uff.. two more hours of tweaking this blog it’s in a shape I like. What has changed: Little web details like the favicon and not using thirdparty fonts were done. I’ve changed the font to something calm instead, that is for Apple devices the standard fonts, and for everybody else something sans-serif. Namely: font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Roboto, sans-serif;. I like it. Don’t let me know if you don’t like it.

Hello World

June 7, 2024

Hello, there! Finally, after years, I have anohter blog. This time, build with Hugo and Cloudflare Pages, fed by markdown pages on a private GitHub repo. It’s so sweet what can be done – for free of charge – within a few minutes. ChatGPT helps out where there are small problems or questions. With this easy-to-use setup, I can post stuff and just fire-and-forget about it. If/when the project eventually dies, I can just drop the repo and Cloudflare configs and am done with it.